
A fascinating look into the Polish custom of removing shoes when entering homes. The episode explores why this tradition is deeply rooted in Polish culture, the concept of 'kapcie' (house slippers), and how foreigners react to this practice. Learn about the special shoe storage areas in Polish homes, the tradition of keeping guest slippers, and why walking in outdoor shoes inside is considered almost offensive. The episode also discusses how this custom affects social gatherings, seasonal considerations, and the significant role of slippers in Polish gift-giving culture. A comprehensive guide to understanding this important aspect of Polish home etiquette.


Odcinek 6: Dlaczego Polacy zdejmują buty w domu?

Cześć wszystkim! Tu znowu Julia z podcastu LingoPut Polish. Dzisiaj porozmawiamy o czymś, co dla Polaków jest zupełnie normalne, ale dla wielu obcokrajowców - bardzo dziwne. Chodzi o zdejmowanie butów w domu!

W Polsce, kiedy wchodzimy do czyjego...